Left to Right: Common Sootywing, Peck’s Skipper, White M Hairstreak, Eufala Skipper, Common Buckeye Caterpillar
This count has sighted some butterflies that are uncommon to rare, as well as some that are not seen in the Durham and Orange County area.
Meet up is in the parking lot near the restrooms.
This count will take place in areas off of trails through tall grasses. We recommend wearing hiking shoes or boots as we will being walking through areas without trails. Long pants are recommended as well as 40+% DEET bug repellent. Sunscreen and hats are also advised.
Please prepare for heat indexes of over 100°F on this walk by bringing water or electrolyte containing beverages. A packed lunch is also recommended. Access to flush toilets will be limited. There are public restrooms in the park and there is a public water fountain.