Joe Pye Weed, Hollow

Eutrochium fistulosum
Full sun to shade
Wet to medium dry soil
6-14 feet tall
Bloom time July to September
Bloom color purple

Pot Size: 3.5" W x 3.5" L x 5" D


Our Experience

We have grown Hollow Stem Joe Pye Weed in our habitat for years and keep adding more of it because it is a Tiger Swallowtail magnet!

It takes a few seasons to reach its fullest height, which for us has been in the 10-12 foot range. We grow it in full sun and typically do not supplement with water other than what nature provides.

Younger plants that are 1-2 years old may need support during thunderstorms or heavy rains. Mature plants become very strong and sturdy. We grow ours with Giant Ironweed to make for a stand of very tall plants. It creates a beautiful, nature privacy screen.